The Great Dane
Vako is a gentle sweet BIG guy.
At 100 lbs, neutered, microchipped and fully vetted Vako came to us
with the hopes to find him a forever home.
Unfortunately VAKO grew way to big and living it up inside became not his perfect option. Vako came to us thru a plea for help from one of our volunteers.
VAKO needs a home where he can also lounge inside regardless of his size. A home where he can be taken out for car rides and fun play at a park. A place to burn some of his energy and be the greatest BIG puppy he can be.
VAKO is not for everyone and the person interested in adopting him should home some knowledge and or experience with the breed.
Adoption Application is required, background check, virtual home / home visit, meet and great.
Vako will be going into a home on a foster to adopt basis.
Regular check ups will be conducted and we need and want to hear from him for as long as he lives.